"Artmaking is making the invisible, visible."
- Marcel Duchamp

Quanto aos meus sonhos nada me assusta. Nada de pedras no pé, pedras do caminho, nem tropeçar nas pedras. Basta-me andar calmamente com os sonhos no bolso, sem que ninguém dê por eles. Até porque os sonhos em questão são de bom tamanho, uns quantos dedos de curiosidade, com a forma da imaginação. Cabem em qualquer algibeira. Não são agressivamente angulosos, nem rigídos. Limitam-se às arestas do corpo e ao infinito espaço da mente.
As for my dreams, nothing scares me. No stones in the foot, stones on the way, nor tripping over stones. It's enough for me to walk calmly with my dreams in my pocket, without anyone noticing them. The dreams in question are of good size, fingertips of curiosity, with a dash of imagination. Dreams fit in any willing pocket, not aggressively angular or rigid. Mine are limited by the edges of the body and the infinite space of the mind.
1977/81 - Architecture & Urbanism
Santa Ursula University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1981/83 - Won two scholarships from the Brazilian National
Research Center, Brasil
1984/86 - Master in Business Administration
Carlton School of Management of the University of Minnesota, USA
1997/2000 - Art History, Drawing and Painting
The Atitude Art Center, Cascais, Portugal
2002 - Creative Writing and Jewelry
Casa da Cultura, Cascais, Portugal
2000 Torres Vedras - 750 Anos | Fábrica das Artes Gallery, Torres Vedras, Portugal;
2001 Memórias de Cascais | In-Tensão Group Exhibition | Espaço Memória dos Exílios, Estoril, Portugal
2009 Fabrica Features | Edificio Benneton Megastore, Lisbon, Portugal​
2009 Land & S33 |Câmara dos Azuis Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal (Solo Exhibition)​
2009 AMI Art Gallery, Oporto, Portugal
2010 Self- Portrait | Fábrica Features | Edifício Benneton Megastore, Lisbon, Portugal​
2010 Estoril Open, Lisbon, Portugal​
2010 Reality vs Fiction | Palácio das Artes | Fábrica de Talentos, Oporto, Portugal​
2010 2nd edition Zero Poverty Urban Concept | Casino do Estoril, Estoril, Portugal
2011 7 Artists, 7 Countries | Museum of the Americas, Miami, USA (Best of Show award)​
2011 Fugues | LM-Contemporary Art Gallery, Sintra, Portugal (Solo Exhibition)​
2011 ARTinPARK Gallery | Lisbon, Portugal
2023 A Arte Invade o Paredão | Cascais, Portugal
Private collections in Portugal, Brazil and USA.